The business world is no stranger to hardship. From supply chain to employee, pricing, and digital transformation issues, the need to stay focused on solutions is never-ending. On top of these hurdles, an important issue that has been overlooked lately is client retention. Keeping existing clients is crucial for businesses, and with the advancements in digital technology, it is now easier to engage and retain them.
Introducing new digital tools such as apps, online platforms, SaaS products, and e-commerce stores – that can help companies stay in touch with their customers and streamline the customer journey – is a strong strategy for continued client retention. New, interactive tools have helped many businesses increase sales, retain customers, and break into markets. A few examples include:
- One manufacturer created a mini ecommerce store to get its swag in customers’ hands more efficiently. It’s not the main line of business but customers love the t-shirts and hats so instead of having to call or visit a location to request merchandise, consumers can simply purchase it online. It’s fun for them, keeps them engaged, and streamlines an expanded source of revenue (and organic advertising promotion) for the brand.
- A marketing agency needed to raise its hourly rates at the same time it also needed to renew expiring contracts with its existing clients. So, to soften the blow of the price increase, it created an educational digital platform that provided gratis to clients who renewed. It came complete with webinars, e-workbooks, calendaring, chat forums, and CE credits.
A musicians’ agency had a list of artists and a list of clientele. The broker would put the two in touch with each other. Transforming the digital experience made it easier for the bands to locate the gigs on their own and bid on them… and vice versa, the audiences could more easily find the musicians.
Someone in my hometown is getting married and needs a dance band? Bingo.
Or, for my multi-day event, I need a band close by that doesn’t require lodging? Done.
The agent made things easier for both categories of clients. Made commissions easier to earn, too.And, a leasing company in the catering space found a host of scheduling and inventory management apps available online. Some for free. But none were specifically geared toward the high-end rental equipment it provided. So, it developed its own little tool to better track where everything was at any given time and keep an eye on its quality. Rental inventory became available to clients on the app more readily and they could also be more confident that what they rented was in prime condition.
The economy has required businesses to modify their communications and marketing approaches – and our job as marketers is to help them facilitate those shifts.
Outsource Your Client App Development
Intellectual property (IP) can take many forms such as apps, digital tools, platforms, and software-as-a-service (SaaS). However, if business owners (and their agencies) find it challenging to develop such complex technical tools, seeking help from an outsourcing partner could be beneficial. Introductory discovery sessions are often free and will explore what tools are appropriate for their business and how to create them.
These outsourcing resources provide access to digital specialists, subject matter experts (SMEs), and business analysts who can help businesses kick off the process of creating IP. The outsourcing partner can also provide assistance with contracts and recommend attorneys to help legally protect the IP.
Whether businesses want to develop an app for e-commerce stores, an educational platform, or inventory and project management tools, outsourcing partners can provide the necessary skills and expertise to make it all happen. They can even help with the brainstorming process.
In summary, outsourcing can be a powerful tool for businesses to develop IP and retain clients. With access to expertise and knowledge, outsourcing partners can help businesses create tools and protect their intellectual property – and agencies retain those businesses as their clients.
—Source: UnknownMy phone has an app that allows me to make phone calls.
- D. Buss, “Customer Retention: CEOs Share Strategies”, https://chiefexecutive.net/customer-retention-ceos-share-strategies/, data pulled Dec 30, 2022.
- PwC, “Technology and teaming will drive growth in 2022”, https://www.pwc.com/us/en/library/pulse-survey/executive-views-2022/technology-leaders.html#:~:text=In%20our%20survey%20of%20more,and%20retaining%20talent%20(77%25), data pulled Dec 30, 2022.